Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Transformers Dark of the Moon is going to be 2 and a half hours...seriously!?

Ok, I know the movie isn't out yet, and I do want to really see it despite the "not so great" quality of the last Transformers movie, but one problem I can see for this movie already is it's running time of 2 and a half hours, which was one of the big issues with the last movie. Unnecessary length only takes away and waters down whatever integrity this movie has to offer. It's a big action blockbuster thats going to have big robot fights, explosions, sweaty people and a sci-fi story line that will bring together mostly kids and sci-finerds alike. Two hours should be it really, but we can only tell until the movie comes out, so until then, no further judgment, because it does look awesome. It's an action movie, not an addition to the lord of the rings, keep it short and sweet and us wanting more, because if the movie starts to go on too long and robots and explosions no longer keep my interest the story better better be amazing which I seriously doubt is going to be the case.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tomato Meter....BURN IN HELL!

Think of a time before the website Rotten tomatoes. When there was a movie you had interest in, YOU WENT TO SEE IT, plain and simple. There was no pre-disposition or expected disappointment because some digital meter on a website decided for you. Sure you can say that regardless of the tomato meters score, you went to see the movie anyway. That is still the point; you knew a score or the percentage on the site, which even though didn't phase you to not see the movie left a place in your sub-conscience and affected the way you watched the movie from there on out. You were expecting in some way to be disappointed, forcing yourself throughout the movie to just like it and not think about the dreaded tomato meter. Think of the meter like it's Inception; whether it was a good or bad review, the fact you saw the score is implanted in your mind, like an idea. You can try to force yourself against the dictation of the meter, but ultimately it won in the fact that it left an impression on you, good or bad. Thats why I say, IGNORE the meter. Yeah sure, from time to time you can agree with it. But no more can you enjoy a fun, non-artsy movie without pompous, and elitist movie reviewers trying to make a name for themselves by giving bad reviews to movies that they know the people will enjoy.

What is this Blog about?

Well, it can be about anything; well at least if it's of interest to me, but don't worry, if your interests are my interests, and you want those interests to expand so later on you and I have something we can relate to, well then 'aint life grand.
I like to go all over the map (which are four things), Video Games, Movies, Music, and final fitting choice, weight lifting and exercise YAY! Sports are something I like but don't find to be a big topic of conversation but If I feel like bringing it up, don't be afraid, because if there's an audience that loves to talk sports, it's the movie and game nerds.
So I'll end this little "what the?" and you decide where to go next.